

In the narrative I have to include the three act structure and have the basic story template of a beginning, middle and end. Plus have sound throughout the whole piece. Sat on the bus home I was thinking of simple but effective ways of doing this. I wanted to do something with patchwork but I didn't want it to be drawn or computerized as I wanted to keep the home made feel to it so I think I will hand sew it all using different materials or anything that I can sew.

The story plot is that there is a creature sitting, reading enjoying the piece and quiet. Bubbles appear and pop on the creature annoying him while he tries to read. He moves away, thinking that the bubbles have stopped he relaxes and continues to read. We see the other creature that has been blowing the bubbles and he blows more. The other creature gets mad and upsets him which, makes him feel guilty (the creature reading) for shouting at him. In the end, to make things up they both blow bubbles together.

I designed the basic figure for the characters then turned it into a stencil. I did a large stencil and a smaller one so that the shape would be constant and easier to put onto the fabric.

The background is A3 size, compact enough to travel but large enough to have room to move. I used A3 foam card so that it helps keeps it sturdy and it is also bendy so it wont brake, plus I can easily sew into it to make the sky and ground.

Another stencil for a tree

When it came to filming it, I wanted things to be the best that they could be, I got lights and good camera, big room and I gave myself plenty of time to do the filming so that I didn't need to rush. I did encounter a few problems like what was I going to use for bubbles? I tried to use real bubbles and take photos in quick bursts but they still blurred. I made some contraption with straws, pin holes into sides, get bubble solution into the straws and blow bubbles from the holes (like a water system) but I couldn't get any bubbles to come out so that didn't work either. In the end I got an idea to get some clear plastic boubbles and fill them with water and glitter so that they still capture the light. This worked really well and went with the whole home made theme.

The editing was pretty much done when it was filmed I just had to pick out the good from the bad, change the time duration and place them in the time line. I did use Premiere Pro as I think it is crisp and simple to use and it is really good for chopping and adding sounds. The sounds I made myself using Garage Band. I simply played the clips in Pro and I did the sounds as I watched. I thought, at the time it would take a while to get it to sync but by doing it this way it already synced so that saved me a lot of time. All the sounds, speech and tune, I'm quite proud to say that I did them all by either just making clangerish noises, pop sounds or whistling. I really love how this has turned out, the whole thing to me works well, that happy, cute, fantasy home made vibe. I enjoyed making it all, even if i was up till late I enjoyed creating a small world with creatures. When I played it through in Pro it was an amazing feeling to see all the hard work come to life.