Stop motion

Posted by: Unknown

Was glad we were given a stop motion to do, finally get to do some sets and works with plasticine. The theme for this was Boy Meets Girl

Mr Bump was a childhood favourite of mine the characters always caught my attention with their strange features and creepy ambiance.

Mouse Soup was the best thing ever in my eyes. The sets looked amazing and detailed and almost true to life  with its own twist.

In my video I have tried to take each component from the 2 videos above and put them into mine but with my own take on it.
I did one set as night and the other as day, the alien was blue (for day) and the cat was black (for night). This is meant to symbolise that 2 opposites attrack, the alien is the day to her night and she (the cat) is the night to his day -referring to  their colours.

I wanted the 2 places to look like they were from 2 different worlds, one more of a fantasy and one more like earth.

Some pictures are missing which I'm not happy about. I was using my Galaxy tablet again to take the pictures with some bits are a little shaky where i had to hold it but the movements from the characters i am happy with, specially at the end, I think it plays very smoothly for movements.
I used clingfilm in the middle of the sets to try show some sort of window into each others worlds and it is love at first sight.
The music I found on Youtube but I specifically looked for cello music as i think there is nothing sadder than a cello playing and I thought it would go well with the theme


Posted by: Unknown

This was really fun to do, face painting on someone. Had a good day doing this. The pixilation had to be based on a recent news event. I had recently read in the paper about a badger cull and because I am an animal lover and it interested me I chose that

This video by Gotye gave me the idea to paint on someone. Getting a body to do it one was a struggle, people canceling or saying yes then finding out more details then changing their minds. Then one person came through for me and I am very grateful for their help and patience.

This took about a day to film, did take longer than I thought but things went well. Had my own little crew- a cameraman so I could focus on the pixilation.

I researched into the badger cull situation by looking at news articles, interviews with both sides and videos. I took quotes from the videos as they are also going to be in the video to help with the message.

The only bad things that lets it down is the lighting and some images are a little blury. But I think the message and writing are clear.

Smudge and click

Posted by: Unknown

I had seen something like smudge and click before, sand art and I did try have a go, was very hard and messy. I was interested to see if this was any different in practice.
We were given another theme for this one as it was close to Halloween  so the smudge and click had to be scary based.

I looked at few videos online and this one did creep me out slightly, the marks left behind do add something to the video. Plus I can see clearly how it was done.

The Corsa car advert is more complicated but basically the same with the trail of markings behind 

I decided on doing words because I thought it would be different from animating an image. The pixilation piece was words and I enjoyed doing that and it was fresh to be doing something different from drawn images and see what could be done with words.
I chose this particular quote from Hellraiser as I could picture in my mind what I could do with the words in order to animate them for smudge and click.
I used my Galaxy Tablet and changed the picture settings to get the darkness but to still see the letterings clearly. Sometimes I used the flash to change the colorings which helped with the scaryness of the seting.
It works well with Hellraisers voice and am pleased it turned out the way it did. I thought it would be less smooth and more juddery in the wording so I was very plesently surprised