This was really fun to do, face painting on someone. Had a good day doing this. The pixilation had to be based on a recent news event. I had recently read in the paper about a badger cull and because I am an animal lover and it interested me I chose that
This video by Gotye gave me the idea to paint on someone. Getting a body to do it one was a struggle, people canceling or saying yes then finding out more details then changing their minds. Then one person came through for me and I am very grateful for their help and patience.
This took about a day to film, did take longer than I thought but things went well. Had my own little crew- a cameraman so I could focus on the pixilation.
I researched into the badger cull situation by looking at news articles, interviews with both sides and videos. I took quotes from the videos as they are also going to be in the video to help with the message.
The only bad things that lets it down is the lighting and some images are a little blury. But I think the message and writing are clear.
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on 15:23