PostedI'm not entirely sure if I understand this properly yet, words just seem to float around all jumbled up in my head and cant seem to make sense from them but I will read up on and see if that clears things up. My Tutor said I should look at some books by; Bennette, Grossberg and Morrison (2005)
Fiske J. (1982)
Freeden, Micheal (2005)
The Tutor from the lecture today said that Ideologies naturalise certain social relationships- it makes things seem normal
Mainstream representation tend to naturalise their own versions of the world
Dominant ideologies
Capitalist ideology
Patriarchal ideology
Racist ideology
(These are just some of the main forms of ideology)
Ideologies can conceal the sources of power and give the impression that they are "natural or inevitable
18th February
Meanings are always being created in audio-visual practices.
Some meanings tend to be favoured over others
Ideologies are all about naturalizing particular social outcomes.
Ideologies tend to conceal the sources of power and give the impression that they are natural or inevitable.
Where do you place the camera?
What kind of lens do you use?
How do you frame the image?
What is included in the short?
What is excluded from the view?
What height and angle is the camera? etc
How do we read visual information of this kind?
- Semiology means the science of signs
-Signifier: the sign itself
-Signified: the meaning that the sign creates
C.S. Peirce
-Iconic signs: signs that resemble the objects that they signify.
-Indexical signs: signs that connected in some way with the things they signify.
-Symbolic signs: are just conventionally associated with things.
Denotation: what it contains.
Connotation: implications of elements